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Amaryllis care tips

What should you pay attention to in order to keep your amaryllis looking beautiful during the holidays? The amaryllis can be a delicate and difficult flower if not given the right conditions. We'll help you with our amaryllis care tips on how to make sure the amaryllis earns its title as Queen of Christmas.

Amaryllis and pollen

For amaryllises, the motto is: prevention is better than cure. You want to avoid pollen stains on clothes or on a petal. This is because if pollen gets on a petal, it will be damaged and wilt faster. And a pollen stain on your clothes is difficult to remove. So cut away the stamens as soon as possible. In the unlikely event that a stain does develop on your clothes, don't panic! The best thing you can do is remove the stain by blowing, using a dry brush, letting the stain dry in the sun or going over the pollen with an adhesive tape. Avoid using a wet cloth as this will actually get the pollen deeper into the fabric.

Watering the amaryllis

Amaryllis is a delicate flower that struggles to absorb water because of its long, air-filled stem. By poking a hole in the stem at the top of the flower, you let the air escape so it can absorb more water. Next, put your amaryllis in a bucket of water for a few hours so it can absorb a lot of water before you put it in a vase. Sometimes you may even hear a whistling sound, which means the air is leaving the stem. To put the amaryllis in a nice vase, hold your finger over the opening in the stem to keep the water in.

Many amaryllises are sold with a stick in the stem to support them. Be careful that the stick does not damage your amaryllis from the inside or rot in the water. If you want to avoid rotting sticks, choose a tall and narrow vase to put the stems in. With proper care, your amaryllis will last about two weeks. Make sure you occasionally remove a wilted leaf or flower, otherwise they will take energy away from the other flowers.

Amaryllis care in vase

Use a clean vase and add flower food to the water. The water may reach about halfway up the stem. If you have flower food in the water, it is enough give more water when needed, otherwise it is important to change the water at least twice a week and wash the vase on one of these occasions. This way, you remove bacteria that can lodge in the stem and prevent nutrients from being absorbed properly. When the flowers have finished blooming, you can put the amaryllis in a cooler place at night to keep the flowers blooming longer. Just make sure the temperature does not drop below freezing. Finally, amaryllises are attracted to light, so it is important to rotate the vase regularly.

Preventing amaryllis stems from rolling up

Trim the stems when they start to 'curl'. You can also put a rubber band or clear tape around the end of the stem. This keeps them from splitting and rolling up so easily, because if that happens, your amaryllis won't be able to absorb water as easily.

Amaryllis care after flowering

To enjoy your amaryllis in the future after flowering, extra care is needed. Once the flowers have finished flowering, cut the flower stems at the base to encourage future growth. Continue to water moderately, reducing this gradually. The amaryllis needs a rest period after flowering. Keep the amaryllis plant in a cool, dark place for a few months to allow the bulb to replenish its reserves. You do not need to fertilise the plant. After about two months, you can water the amaryllis again. Put the amaryllis back in the sun for a brilliant new bloom!

Amaryllis bulb care

An amaryllis bulb doesn't need much care at first. In any case, make sure the roots are moist, and start watering when the buds appear. Water very sparingly, as too much water will cause the stems to shoot up. Give the amaryllis bulb a nice light spot in the house where it is not too cold. It grows best at room temperature. Remember, you don't need to add any nutrients, everything the flower needs to grow is already in the bulb. Turn the pot regularly so that the stems don't grow crooked. Once the flowers have finished blooming, you can increase watering a little. By watering from the bottom of the pot, you protect the bulb and keep the roots moist. In total, just under ½ cup per week is sufficient.