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Rose care guide

Roses are all-time classics. The flower that is the ultimate romantic gift in red, a touch of love in pink or elegant white rose in a bouquet to send a stylish greeting. Roses are easy to take care of with some simple tricks. Just read further and you'll enjoy your roses for a long time! 

Six rose care tips

Tip 1: Pour warm water (50-60 degrees Celsius) into a clean vase and dispense the flower nutrition into the water.

Tip 2: Remove the leaves from the stems that would be in the water.

Tip 3: Cut the stems diagonally with a knife or pruning shears (about 2 centimeters). This step is very important. The slanting cut creates a larger surface, allowing the rose to absorb water and nutrients better.

Tip 4: Put the roses into the water immediately, so that the stems doesn't have time to absorb air (it is the air in the stems that makes the roses 'nod'.) If the stem absorbs air, the bubble of air will mount and when it reaches the flower head the stem becomes soft and the rose will 'nod'.

Tip 5: As with other cut flowers, it is also best to change the water for roses every other day.

Tip 6: Do not place the bouquet of roses in direct sunlight and avoid wind.