The flowers and plants are hand-tied respectively manually prepared by a local florist and can vary from the product image due to seasonal availability, price fluctuations and differences in the florist's assortment.
This bouquet is arranged by a local florist and sent to the recipient. You will receive a delivery confirmation via SMS once the flowers have been delivered.
We cannot guarantee delivery at specific times, but we always do our best.
Please note that the image shows the final bouquet in terms of color and shape. The flowers may vary depending on availability and season.
Vase is not included.
Article number: BOU19_176
Seasonal product
This product is out of season.
Currently not available
The flowers and plants are hand-tied respectively manually prepared by a local florist and can vary from the product image due to seasonal availability, price fluctuations and differences in the florist's assortment.
This bouquet is arranged by a local florist and sent to the recipient. You will receive a delivery confirmation via SMS once the flowers have been delivered.
We cannot guarantee delivery at specific times, but we always do our best.
Please note that the image shows the final bouquet in terms of color and shape. The flowers may vary depending on availability and season.
Vase is not included.