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Send roses

The rose is the world's most popular cut flower. With over 30,000 different variations, this quite important flower has a long history of cultivation by different people and cultures. Sending roses is therefore also worldwide a good idea. This lovely selection of charismatic roses offers several options, differing in price, colours and form. Our local florist will deliver fresh roses!

  • Deliver roses with Euroflorist

    Euroflorist knows better than anyone that roses are an evergreen among bouquets. You can order roses all year round and these flowers are perfect for various occasions. Whether for a birthday, Mother's Day or as a romantic gesture, roses are always a good choice. The flowers can form a bouquet on their own, but also do well as part of a mixed bouquet. Order now and we will make sure the rose bouquet is on the recipient's table today. Sending roses often carries a message of its own. Even without a personal card, the rose is a flower that radiates love. Sending roses is therefore an expression of love! Want to warm someone's heart, thank them for a loving gesture, let them know you love them or surprise them? The rose has it all. Not only for days like Valentine's Day, but also on ordinary days or other occasions throughout the year, the rose is a loving flower. Thus, a rose bouquet is also often used for congratulations these days. You can therefore also order your "congratulations roses" at Euroflorist.

  • The meaning of roses

    The rose is one of the most popular flowers and a must-have for Valentine's Day or Mother's Day. Stylish and elegant, this beautiful flower is known for its colours and its fragrance. It is also the flower with the most fraught meaning. Each number and/or colours have their specific meaning. Don't know yet which bouquet best represents your love, take a look at the meanings of roses.

  • How can you best care for your roses?

    To enjoy your roses for longer, you need a few handy tips. Especially for you, we have collected the best care tips. Here is everything you need to know about rose care.