Vibrant Oasis
This vibrant bouquet bursts with energy, featuring a dazzling array of pink and orange roses, carnations, and alstroemeria, beautifully accented by eucalyptus and hypericum. With its dynamic blend of colours and textures, this bouquet is sure to make a bold statement add a pop of colour to any occasion, all that without breaking your budget.
Sent in a special Euroflorist box designed to protect the stems & provide a nice unboxing experience. Flowers arrive in bud, and with just a splash of water and our included flower food, the blooms will gradually open up within two days, revealing their full splendour and filling any space with colours. And with tracked delivery, you can track the progress of your vibrant bouquet every step of the way, knowing exactly when the colourful surprise reaches your loved one.
Elevate any celebration with this vibrant bouquet. Both affordable and stunning, this bouquet is the most out of everything.
from € 19,99